Michael Stewart
Time Traveller and Author

Kindle & Paperback
The Angel of Time
George Putnam is the most unlikely First World War hero, especially as he was born in 1960. After George's encounter with Violet - a sweet old lady dying with cancer - and the sinister ghostly soldier who accompanied her, he suddenly finds himself back in war torn France in 1918, fighting for his life.
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“This writer is superb. Once you start reading this story you will not stop till you have turned the last page and you will be sad because there are no more pages left!
Amazon 5 Star Review
Praise & Reviews
Incredible story that has everything going for it. Sweeps you along AND NEVER lets up. It is going to be very hard to find another book that will come anywhere near this standard!
Amazon 5 Star Review
I am looking forward to reading more from this wonderful exciting writer.
Read this book !
Amazon 5 Star Review

About Michael Stewart
I grew up in 1960s London and am now living on the mystical West Coast of Scotland.
I'm a Father, Grandfather, Aircraft Engineer, Writer, Historian and Conspiracy Theorist.
If you want to connect, please drop me an email,
I'd love to hear from you.