
Michael Stewart's Biography

I was born in London, England in 1959 and I am married with four children and six grandchildren. Following a lifetime in business within the aviation industry, travelling and living in various parts of the world, I have now settled on the West Coast of Scotland to follow my passion of writing.
I have always been an avid reader, and even now, when I am not writing I am most likely to be found reading. My list of favourite authors is a long one, but if I had to name a few they would include such heavyweights as: Winston Churchill, H.G. Wells, Stephen King, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jack Finney, J.K. Rowling, Robert McCauley, Andy Conway, and Joe Haldeman.
My debut novel The Angel of Time is a fascinating tale set during the First World War with a thrilling time travel twist. It's based around the real exploits of my Great Grandfather William during the Great War, The Angel of Time was published in October 2014
The Search for Excalibur was my second novel and my first venture into the Young Adult genre. This was a 'trial' young person's story written for my Daughter who was 14 at the time. It may not be a literary giant, but it was fun writing.
My third novel, Out of Time followed my favourite theme of time travel combined with the air battles in World War 2, another avid interest of mine since I was a kid.
All three books are available now on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback version, and if you get the chance, please, please, please, don’t forget to leave your feedback on Amazon.
An author’s success relies totally on your feedback!
Also, feel free to contact me directly with any feedback or questions via email on info@michael-stewart.net
Happy Reading & Writing!
Thank you.