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Writer's pictureMichael Stewart

Secrets of the Moon: Unravelling its Mysteries

What thoughts run through your mind whenever you look up at our beautiful white moon hanging there in the night sky? Do you simply accept it’s there and not give it more than a passing thought, or do you perhaps marvel at the pock marked white surface and romanticise about those heroic Apollo astronauts standing up there all those years ago. You might also wonder at the effect it has on our own planet and consider how the moon causes the ebb and flow of the tides around the world. What you might not realise however as you stare at the moon is that it is in fact one of the strangest and most mysterious objects in our solar system.

Despite being humanity's constant companion throughout all of recorded time, the moon remains a mystery. Science has been unable to explain how the moon was formed, its unusual orbit, its distance from us, its density, its composition, and its structure. You might be amazed to learn that these are all still unanswered questions. There are theories about the moon that provide some solutions to these puzzles, but they fail to address all of them. Only one theory exists that answers every scientific question about the moon. Just one, but more about that later.

Let's delve in. Have you ever considered exactly what the moon is and how it got there?

We are taught that the moon has existed forever, but there is controversy surrounding this claim because scientists cannot agree on how the moon was formed in the first place. The first theory regarding the moon's connection to the Earth is the capture theory, which suggests that the moon was simply floating along in empty space, drifted near the Earth and was pulled into orbit. Whilst it sounds plausible enough, this scenario is in reality almost impossible.

Another explanation is the accretion theory, proposing that the moon and Earth formed from dust clouds in the early solar system. However, when systems form through accretion, they share similar traits. If the moon was formed in this manner, it would have an iron core like the Earth and would spin on an axis like the Earth. The moon has neither of these characteristics.

The fission hypothesis gained popularity for a while, suggesting that the early Earth was spinning so fast that a rock in the Pacific Ocean was flung into space, forming the moon. However, we later discovered that moon rock is much older than the ocean's bottom, making this explanation unlikely.

The most widely accepted explanation is the giant impact theory. This is the one you were probably taught in school and will be most familiar with. According to this theory, a large object approximately the size of Mars collided with the proto-Earth, and the debris from this collision coalesced to create our Earth-Moon system. Yet, scientists agree, the conditions for this event to occur perfectly are so improbable that the odds of it happening are astronomical.

Recently, a theory has emerged that combines all of these ideas. It proposes that a large object collided with the Earth around four and a half billion years ago, essentially vaporizing it. This vapor, known as a synestia, was rapidly spinning and formed a torus shape. The moon then formed on the edge of this torus. To clarify, a torus is a shape resembling a donut. In geometry, when a circle is revolved around an axis in three-dimensional space, it creates a torus.

These are, however, all just theories. Believe it or not, we still do not know how the moon was created. One might assume that going to the moon and collecting rock samples would have helped solve some of these puzzles. However, when moon rocks were brought back and studied after the Apollo moon landings in the 1960s and 70s, they created an even bigger mystery.

Moon rocks and soil samples brought back from the moon are peculiar. On Earth, the newest rocks are found on the surface, and as you go deeper, the rocks become older. This is logical and evident. However, on the moon, the soil on the surface is older than the rocks underneath, and the surface rocks are older than the rocks beneath them. It's the opposite of what we observe on Earth. The only way this phenomenon occurs on Earth is when we drill, dig, and mine, bringing older materials to the surface. But we see this pattern all over the moon. If the moon had somehow been hollowed out, that’s exactly what we would see, the older rocks would be on top. But that would be a totally unbelievable scenario, a hollow moon…wouldn’t it?

The list of anomalies doesn't end there.

When you look up at the sky at night, and sometimes in the morning, you see the moon illuminated. But you'll notice if you pay attention that the ‘picture’ of the moon we see is always the same. Regardless of whether it's a crescent, half, or full moon, it's just sections of the same picture. The other side of the moon is never visible from the Earth, and thus it's been dubbed the ‘dark side of the moon’, making many people think that the moon never gets sunlight on that back side. Well, that's not true. When we see the moon, we only ever see one side of it. That's because (and here comes the next strange fact), the moon rotates on its own axis at exactly the same rate that the Earth does. This is known as being ‘tidally locked’ with an object. The sun emits its light onto all sides of the moon as it rotates around (so there is no real dark side), but because of position and rotation, we simply never see the other side. The phrase ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ refers to space missions, where spacecraft can't receive messages from the dark side of the moon due to the moon quite literally blocking signals from Earth. To the best of our knowledge, humans never got to see the dark side of the moon until Apollo 8 circled the moon on Christmas Eve 1968 and took lots of pictures, which have caused controversy ever since.

Let’s look at a few more strange facts.

In typical planetary structures, denser materials are found towards the core, while lighter materials are nearer the surface. On the moon, this relationship is reversed and no one has been able to explain why.

The moon's surface is covered with asteroid impacts that have been occurring for billions of years. One would expect the rocks around these impact craters to have varying ages, but there is a peculiar uniformity in their ages. The chemical composition of lunar dust is also highly unusual. If lunar dust is the result of billions of years of impacts, why does it possess a completely different chemical makeup to the surrounding rocks?

Furthermore, despite the moon lacking a magnetic field, moon rocks are strongly magnetised. This contradiction still keeps our scientists up at night.

While the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old, the oldest rocks we have found on Earth are much younger than that. In contrast, moon rocks are significantly older—some have been dated back to the very beginning of the solar system, and some are believed to be even older.

Uranium-236 and Neptunium-237 have been discovered on the moon. This is significant because these radioactive elements do not occur naturally. On Earth, we can only find these isotopes if we create them. Titanium, chromium, and zirconium, which are rare on Earth, are abundantly present on the moon. If the Earth and moon were formed together, why is there such a significant difference? Additionally, these metals happen to be some of the strongest materials known to exist, and they are highly resistant to corrosion. If you wanted to reinforce a structure, these metals would be the ideal choice.

This structural reinforcement could also potentially explain why all moon craters appear to have consistent depths, regardless of their width. We would expect craters of varying sizes to have different depths. Larger craters would obviously have been created by larger objects hitting the moon’s surface with a stronger force, and natural physics would suggest the resulting impact craters would be deeper than smaller, lighter impacts. But that’s not what we see on the moon, all the craters are the same depth. It's almost as if there is a resilient metallic shell just beneath the moon's surface, preventing further penetration.

If there were instruments on the moon's surface capable of detecting seismic activity, we could test the hollow moon theory by intentionally colliding objects with the moon. And of course we did just that. After returning to the command module, the Apollo 12 crew deliberately crashed their lunar lander into the moon's surface. Unexpectedly, seismic measurements revealed that the moon rang like a bell and continued to reverberate for over an hour. This occurred with a relatively small object compared to the moon's size. During the Apollo 13 mission, an even larger object was crashed into the surface, resulting in the moon ringing for over three hours, with vibrations traveling to a depth of 20 miles. Such prolonged reverberation does not occur on Earth, where vibrations typically last only a few minutes due to the Earth's density. On Earth, vibrations slow down as they move toward the planet's denser core. However, on the moon, the vibrations actually increased in speed at around 40 miles down, indicating that the moon's interior is not only less dense but potentially contains large hollow cavities.

The moon's density poses a challenge in terms of explanation. Despite being approximately one-quarter the size of the Earth, the moon has only around one percent of the Earth's density. If the moon were a hollow shell, this would perhaps account for its lower density.

In addition to density, the moon possesses numerous characteristics and coincidences that are not observed anywhere else. It resembles a planet more than a typical moon, being one-quarter the size of Earth. Nowhere else in our solar system, or any other solar system we have discovered for that matter, do we find a moon of such a size in comparison to the planet it orbits. Furthermore, the moon orbits much closer to the Earth than would be expected, and its orbit remains a mystery. It is the only object we have observed with an almost perfectly circular orbit. We have not seen this phenomenon in any other observed celestial bodies so far.

Due to its nearly perfect orbit, size, and distance from Earth, the Moon appears in the sky almost the same size as the sun. This is what enables us to witness eclipses. Our distance to the sun is exactly 400 times greater than our distance to the moon, and the size of the sun is exactly 400 times larger than the moon. Could this again be mere coincidence?

When a sufficient number of coincidences accumulate, we might need to adjust our thinking and perhaps be a little more open-minded. In 1970, two Soviet scientists carefully examined all the evidence and these intriguing coincidences. They arrived at what they considered to be the only logical conclusion, acknowledging that their theory sounded implausible. Nonetheless, they proposed that not only is the moon hollow, but it is also a spacecraft that travelled to Earth in the distant past.

Farfetched? Possibly, but again, possibly not. Every ancient culture on Earth possesses stories about the moon. Interestingly, as we delve back further into the past, these stories become less prevalent. If we trace back far enough, we encounter narratives that depict a time before the moon's arrival. Roman and Greek authors in the 5th century BC share tales of the Proselenes, who resided in an area known as Arcadia. They claimed to have existed before the moon graced the heavens. On the opposite side of the world, the ancient Tiwanaku culture in Bolivia also refers to a period when there was no moon. According to their accounts, the moon arrived between 11,500 and 13,000 years ago. Avid enthusiasts of ancient theories and anyone following my other stories of ancient civilisations will already know this timeframe aligns perfectly with a period called the Younger Dryas at the end of the last ice age. This was a period of great upheaval, cataclysms, fire and global floods on Earth.

In Africa, we encounter Zulu legends that explicitly assert the moon's hollowness and its occupation by an intelligent race of reptilian extra-terrestrials. According to Zulu beliefs, the moon was placed in orbit by two godly brothers. This legend bears striking similarities to the beliefs of the Sumerians, who also recounted a tale of two brothers named Enki and Enlil, known as the Annunaki, who were extra-terrestrial gods seemingly responsible for creating humankind.

The Zulu people also believed that before the moon's arrival, Earth had a vastly different climate, was devoid of seasons, and was covered by a thick blanket of water vapor. Today, we now know how the moon plays a vital role in stabilising our climate. Without the moon's gravitational influence, the Earth's axis would wobble, resulting in the absence of consistent seasons and tides, and would result in extreme weather events across the planet. The presence of the moon is crucial for sustaining life on Earth.

According to the Zulu beliefs, Earth was enveloped by a dense layer of water vapor, making the sun visible only through this misty veil. When the moon was eventually placed into orbit, this entire water vapor fell simultaneously, resulting in a catastrophic global flood. There is increasing scientific evidence that this global flooding event did occur during the Younger Dryas period 11,600 years ago, and cultures from all over the world have their origin stories and legends of the great cataclysms and floods from that time that harmonise perfectly with one another, adding to the mounting coincidences.

The Zulu legend specifically mentions how the moon's arrival altered the tides and stabilised the climate. Remarkably, this connection between the moon, tides, and seasons was not fully comprehended by science until the 20th century. Yet, the ancient Zulus managed to make this correlation.

All these myths, legends, coincidences, and peculiarities regarding the moon gradually accumulate. Does it point towards a compelling theory: that the moon is hollow, artificial, and was placed here by intelligent beings in the distant past to calm the climate on Earth?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though, coincidences and myths alone do not constitute proof. To strengthen our case with concrete evidence, we need to examine recent moon activity. Fortunately, such evidence exists. Current scientific knowledge tells us that the moon is a cold and lifeless celestial body, devoid of atmosphere, with no seismic activity for millions of years. Its core, unlike that of Earth, lacks warmth.

Nevertheless, despite being deemed a lifeless world, the moon exhibits an astonishing amount of activity. On March 7th, 1971, a cloud of water vapor materialized on the moon, covering an area of a hundred square miles and persisting for 14 hours before dissipating. The moon is not expected to have an atmosphere, yet for those 14 hours, it did. In fact, over the past century, six astronomers have independently documented a glowing mist in the crater known as Plato. The mist has remained consistent in this same crater across many years.

Boulder tracks are also observed all over the moon, which is a perplexing phenomenon in itself. How do large boulders roll for miles and then ascend uphill, as we see in numerous NASA photos? Additionally, since the days of Aristotle, astronomers have reported witnessing strange lights on the moon's surface, sometimes visible to the naked eye. NASA even recorded 570 sightings of unexplained light flashes on the moon between 1540 and 1967. Sightings of these enigmatic lights persist to this day.

In 1992, the Aristarchus crater was photographed, revealing a luminous blue light now referred to as the ‘blue gem.’ Earth-based telescopes have observed this anomaly every few years since. Some have even speculated that it could be a fusion reactor. These occurrences of mysterious lights and mist happen with such frequency that they even have a name: Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLPs).

And things continue to get even stranger.

Numerous photographs exist which depict what appear to be artificial objects on the moon's surface: towering structures reaching several miles high, symmetrical pyramids, and other peculiar formations. These images have been captured over the years by NASA, astronomers, probes, and even astronauts themselves.

Yet, for me, the most significant anomaly still remains: If we had the technology to get men across 238,855 miles of space, through the deadly Van Allen radiation belt and land them safely on the moon at our first try in the 1960s, why, with all the advances in technology since then, haven't we returned to the moon?

One intriguing account comes from Sergeant Carl Wolf, a US Air Force technician who was repairing equipment responsible for transmitting images from a lunar satellite. According to Sergeant Wolf, the photos revealed artificial structures on the moon, resembling a base. Another technician working alongside Wolf corroborated his claims. It's important to note that Wolf was not a proponent of UFO or extra-terrestrial moon theories; he was simply a technician. He stated in interviews that he eagerly anticipated seeing these pictures on the news channels and looked forward to hearing NASA scientists explain their significance. However, he was taken aback when the photos never surfaced. These substantial and towering structures, clearly casting shadows, are images that I would love to investigate further. Unfortunately, they no longer exist, seemingly lost by NASA, as so much of the original footage of the Apollo programme has been, including, astoundingly, the Apollo 11 moon landings. They could get a man to the moon but didn’t have the wherewithal to catalogue and store the only film that witnessed the event.

Another striking event for me was the film footage of the Apollo 11 crew holding a press conference shortly after their landing on the moon. Their demeanour during that press conference came across as melancholic, fearful, uneasy, and even despondent. Not really what you would expect from adventurous, fit young men who had just had a life-changing experience, who had made world history, and were now globally famous. Why? It makes no sense. I encourage you to go and look up the video footage of this on YouTube and draw your own conclusions.

Is there a reason we have not returned to the moon? Could it be that the Apollo missions uncovered something known to ancient cultures centuries ago, something that reputable scientists now believe is the only explanation for this plethora of mysteries? Is it possible that the moon is not what it seems or what we have been led to believe? Could it in fact be a hollow, artificially constructed body that appeared in Earth's orbit from a distant location?

The hollow moon spaceship theory is undoubtedly far-fetched, and I acknowledge that many anomalies found on the moon can be explained. Nevertheless, there is still an abundance of unknown and unexplainable phenomena surrounding the moon, which creates a sense of unease about the information we have been provided. As is customary, space agencies, the three letter secret security departments, and the governments they represent keep everything buttoned down and exercise extreme selectivity in the release of any images and information.

So the next time you spot our beautiful moon up in the night sky, do me a favour please and stop for a moment to watch and consider all of the mysteries we have discussed here.

What are your thoughts and feelings about our mysterious moon?

If you want to find out more, do yourself a favour and visit The Why Files on YouTube. They produce incredibly entertaining videos that research a range of topics like this one. Their video on the Moon Revealed: It's a Hollow Spaceship is an absolute must watch. Link below.

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